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A Curriculum or Specification is a Document That Communicates Information About A Specific Course and Defines Expectations and Responsibilities . It is Descriptive. An Examination Board can Establish a Study Program or the Tutor Who Supervises or Controls The Course Prepares It. 

The Term Often Refers Specifically To a Planned Sequence of Instruction or a view of the students Experiences in terms of the Educatipnal Goals of the Educator or the School. In  a 2003 Study , reys, lapn , Holiday and Wasman Refer to the Curriculum a a Set of Learnin gOblectives Articulated Across Grades That Describle The Intended Mathematical Content and Process Objectives at particular points in th Program K - 12 School. You can Incorporate Planned Students Interaction With Instructional Content, Materials , resources an Processes to Assess Achievement of Educational Goals.

The word "resume" started as a Latin word meaning "a career" or "the course of a career". The word is "from a use transferred from modern Latin of the classical Latin curriculum" a career, course, career, "from currere" to run.The term later appears in the records of the University of Leiden in 1582. The origins of The word seems to be closely linked with Calvinistic desire. to give greater order to education.

In the 17th century, the University of Glasgow also referred to its "course" of study as a "curriculum", producing the first known use of the term in English in 1633. In the 19th century, European universities routinely referred to to your curriculum to describe both the full course of study and the individual courses and their content.
The National Curriculum Framework 2005 (NCF 2005) is the fourth National Curriculum Framework published in 2005 by the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) in India. Its predecessors were published in 1975, 1988, 2000.

In order to achieve the general development of the students, adequate nutrition, physical exercise and other psychosocial needs are addressed, participation in yoga and sports is required. learning must be enjoyable and related to real life experiences, learning must include concepts and deeper understanding. Adolescence is a vulnerable age for students and the curriculum must prepare and provide emotional and social support that instills positive behavior and provides them with the essential skills to deal with the situations they face in their lives, the pressure of peers and the gender stereotype.

Priority should be given to inclusive education and flexibility to follow a curriculum that is tailored to the needs of each student, regardless of students with disabilities.

Constructive learning must be part of the curriculum. Situations and opportunities must be created for students to challenge them, encourage creativity and active student participation. Students should be encouraged to interact with their peers, teachers, and seniors, which would open up many more learning opportunities.


The Foundations Must be Laid Strong 💪 and firm. Elementary , And Upper Secondary Should Provide The Space for Chldren to Explore and Develop Rational Thinking That They will be Absorbed and Have Sufficient Knowledge of Conceptts Language Knowledge Research and Validation Procedures.
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